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Outreach Offer Menu - Working with External Partners

Long-term Bespoke Offer

  • An offer agreed with partners to be the optimum for that young person.
  • To design and deliver a programme – including safeguarding.
  • Quality assure and monitor progress in partnership with all stakeholders.

Supported Transition

  • To work with a pupil out of education to gradually   increase pupil engagement with learning and shape a pathway to participation in   education/ employment and citizenship opportunities.
  •  Working towards accessing some time in school or college as possible.

Working with Partners including LA

  • To provide a bespoke quality education offer for pupils with Anxiety-based School refusal/Anxiety-based SEMH
  • Access to the school site and facilities provides the opportunity for cohort and peer engagement if and when appropriate.
  • Purpose outreach hub enables access to resources without being on a school site.

Supporting Schools and other Providers

  • Support in meeting a range of SEMH needs within their own school context - providing support/ CPD – and some enhanced off-site opportunities for pupils if needed.